about us

The Mile High Baptist Association is comprised of local churches united by a shared vision: to reach and rescue those who have yet to discover the message of Jesus Christ. We collectively believe that by investing time, energy, and resources, we can amplify our influence throughout our city. Our ultimate goal is to witness thriving, gospel-focused churches replicate themselves in our region.


Churches on Mission Together

Anchor Way

David Bloom
Ethnic Affiliation

40650 Anchor Way
Steamboat Springs

Our Values


With Denver's ongoing population growth and increasing global influence, we recognize the imperative need to establish numerous new churches throughout the Metro area. Our collaboration with the North American Mission Board focuses on equipping and training church planters to the highest standards, while also aiding local churches in giving birth to robust, sustainable church plants.


Beyond the establishment of new churches, MHBA is committed to revitalizing congregations that face the risk of closure. We firmly believe that churches experiencing stagnation or decline can experience a revival. Our goal is to offer support and fortify these churches so they can continue to propagate the gospel as they have done in the past.


In Denver, a diverse array of people, including natives, refugees, and immigrants, represents over 150 distinct cultural groups. We hold a special responsibility to nurture, support, and engage with these communities through the gospel, fostering the creation of vibrant, inclusive churches. Within the MHBA, we presently oversee congregations for a wide range of cultural groups. 

Church Health Leadership

Matt Olson

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